Battle.Net Services Update

At the bottom of my website in the footer section there used to be a link called Services. This went to a small page that listed the location of my JBLS server, JBLS statistics, and a link to Battle.Net Hashes. That link changed to go directly to the Battle.Net Hashes page (it changed rather recently … Continue reading "Battle.Net Services Update"

Live Chat Restored

Over Christmas vacation I checked the website and noticed live chat wasn’t working. Apparently the specific instance I’m using for widget bot (which powers the live chat) was shut down. Today I went through the process of restoring the chat so it is now working again!

Upcoming Things

There hasn’t been a post here for awhile. What have I been up to? Well now… here’s what I got going on. I’m working on a new software project that will allow me to better serve programs and updates than I’m able to do currently. There’s just too many steps involved to get an update … Continue reading "Upcoming Things"